Sunday, November 7, 2021
On November 07, 2021 by Blue Moon No comments
Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
Surah al-Jumah was revealed in Madinah and it has 11 Ayahs. This surah basically revolves around “The Unity” of Allah and the importance of the Jumah Congregation in Islam. If we look at a different angle, this surah addresses the other aspects e.g. the prayers of all and every creatures of Allah, the purpose of the prophet hood of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.s.) to educate and enhance the morals of humanity, warnings to the Muslims not to be distracted from the principles of Islam as the Jews were distracted from their original Message, the general laws of the death being the window towards the permanent abode, strict directives about the attendance in the Jumah Congregation and suspension of all other activities during the Jumah prayer and the sermon by the imam of prayers.
According to a tradition of the Messenger of Islam (s.a.w.a.s.), who said: “Whoever recites Surah al-Jumah, Allah will grant him the virtues equal to ten times the number of the Muslims who attended the Jumah congregations and even those who did not attend the congregation.”
In yet another tradition it is stated that if a person recites this surah daily, he will be safe from every dangerous and frightening thing.
The reason of the advent of the Messenger of Islam is elaborated in Ayah 2 which says: “He it is Who sent amongst the unlettered ones a Messenger from among themselves to recite unto them His Ayahs, to foster them and absolved them of polytheism and discord, and teach them the Heavenly Book and Wisdom. And indeed, they had been formerly in manifest error.”
As for the Blessings of Allah, as referred in Ayah 4, there is tradition that once the not so wealthy Muslims approached the Messenger (s.a.w.a.s.) and complained that unlike the wealthy people who can perform Hajj, they did not have resources to go for Hajj, unlike the wealthy, who can pay to liberate the slaves, they cannot do that. The Messenger said: “a person who recites “Allah-o-Akbar” 100 times is more blessed than the one who gets the release of a slave, one who recites “SubhanAllah” 100 times is more blessed than the one who arranges for 100 horses for Jihad, and the one who recites “La Ilaha Illallah” 100 times is more blessed than the virtuous deeds of all the people on that day.”
Referring to the Jews, Allah says that their carrying Torah but not practicing it is like burdening books on a donkey. And if Jews thought that they were the friends of Allah, and then should wish for death but because of the deeds they had sent to Allah, they will not wish for death.
The call for Jumah prayer is expressly mentioned in Ayah 9 to 11: “O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for the Friday prayer, hasten toward the remembrance of Allah and leave off the business. That is better for you if you did know. Then when the prayer is ended, you are free to disperse through the land and seek Allah’s Bounties and remember Allah much that you may be saved.
And when they see some merchandise or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it and leave you standing (while reciting your sermon). Say, that which Allah has (of Bounties and Blessings) is better than any amusement or merchandise! And Allah is the best of the providers.”
Prayer in congregation gives the Muslims both worldly and spiritual benefits as stated below:
1. Islamic Unity: In the congregation, rich and poor, high and low, all stand shoulder to shoulder. This destroys the haughtiness of the rich and creates self-respect in the poor.
2. Unity: In the congregation prayer, all have one niyyah (intention), one language and identical actions.
3. Love and Co-operation: People meet one another in the congregation prayers. They know the hardships and worries of each other and try to help. New things are known, mutual love develops and circle of friendship is widened resulting in an opportunity to learn from other’s experience and mould their lives accordingly.
4. Discipline: We stand in rows follow the imam of jama’ah and practice obedience to commands.
5. Prestige of Islam: Our mosques thrive due to the congregation of prayers. It enhances the prestige of Islam and the unity of Muslims affects greatly the enemies of Islam.
6. Limitless Reward: The Messenger of Islam (s.a.w.a.s.) said: “If there are only 2 people in a congregation, every rak’at gets the reward of 150 prayers. The reward is increased by the increase in the number of people praying. Thus in a jama’ah prayer of 3 persons, every rak’at gets the reward of 600 prayers. With each increase of the number of people, the reward doubles. Hence, if there are 10 persons, every rak’at gets the reward of 72, 800 prayers. If there are more than 10 people, then nobody can estimate its reward, except Allah.
Surah al-Jumah
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
- Yusabbihu lilaahi maa fis samaawaati wa maa fil ardil Malikil Quddoosil 'Azeezil Hakeem
- Huwal lazee ba'asa fil ummiyyeena Rasoolam min hum yatloo 'alaihim aayaatihee wa yuzakkeehim wa yu'allimuhumul Kitaaba wal Hikmata wa in kaano min qablu lafee dalaalim mubeen.
- Wa aakhareena minhum lammaa yalhaqoo bihim wa huwal 'azeezul hakeem
- Zaalika fadlul laahi yu'teehi many-yashaaa; wallaahu zul fadlil 'azeem
- Masalul lazeena hum milut tawraata summa lam yahmiloonhaa kamasalil himaari yah milu asfaaraa; bi'sa masalul qawmil lazeena kaazzaboo bi aayaatil laah; wallaahu laa yahdil qawmazzaalimeen
- Qul yaaa ayyuhal lazeena haadoo in za'amtum annakum awliyaaa'u lilaahi min doonin naasi fatamannawul mawta in kuntum saadiqeen
- Wa laa yatamannaw nahooo abadam bimaa qaddamat aydeehim; wallaahu 'aleemum biz zaalimeen
- Qul innal mawtal lazee tafirroona minhu fa innahoo mulaaqeekum summa turaddoona ilaa 'Aalimil Ghaibi wash shahaadati fa yunabbi'ukum bimaa kuntum ta'maloon
- Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo izaa noodiya lis-Salaati miny yawmil Jumu'ati fas'aw ilaa zikril laahi wa zarul bai'; zaalikum khayrul lakum in kuntum ta'lamoon
- Fa-izaa qudiyatis Salaatu fantashiroo fil ardi wabtaghoo min fadlil laahi wazkurul laaha kaseeral la'allakum tuflihoon
- Wa izaa ra'aw tijaaratan aw lahwanin faddooo ilaihaa wa tarakooka qaaa'imaa; qul maa 'indal laahi khairum minal lahwi wa minat tijaarah; wallaahu khayrur raaziqeen
1. Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah,- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
2. It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error;-
3. As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: And He is exalted in Might, Wise.
4. Such is the Bounty of Allah, which He bestows on whom He will: and Allah is the Lord of the highest bounty.
5. The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of Allah. and Allah guides not people who do wrong.
6. Say: "O ye that stand on Judaism! If ye think that ye are friends to Allah, to the exclusion of (other) men, then express your desire for Death, if ye are truthful!"
7. But never will they express their desire (for Death), because of the (deeds) their hands have sent on before them! and Allah knows well those that do wrong!
8. Say: "The Death from which ye flee will truly overtake you: then will ye be sent back to the Knower of things secret and open: and He will tell you (the truth of) the things that ye did!"
9. O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!
10. And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah. and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper.
11. But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it, and leave thee standing. Say: "The (blessing) from the Presence of Allah is better than any amusement or bargain! and Allah is the Best to provide (for all needs)."
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