Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet; O People who Believe! Send blessings and abundant salutations upon him. Al-Ahzab - The Allies - 33:56

Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful


i) Whoso recites this sruah, on the day of reckoning, it would intercede for him and remain with him till he would go to paradise.
ii) Whoso recites this surah before going to sleep he would surely see Imam al Qa-im before he dies, and after death would live in the neighbourhood of the Holy Prophet.
iii) Whoso recites this surah would be kept safe from accidental death.
iv) Whoso recites this surah and goes to meet a man-in-authority who is against him, Allah would keep him safe from his evil and mischief.

Cure for all Diseases with Surah Rahman and Taghabun

Please take a fresh pitcher or big bottle and recite “Bismillah (بسم اللہ)” seven times and “Ya Hafeez (یَا حَفِیْظُ)” Twenty-One times, and blow on your body.
Then recite Surah Al-Rahman… Forty-One times, and also Sura Al-Taghabun… Forty-One times, and blow on water.
Note: Many people can read it in one sitting together or only one person can read it in several days. As much as is recited, just blow on water. As much water is used, add more water in it. It will be enough for whole life.
If possible, please recite daily and keep blowing on water. Use this water for drinking, preparation of flour for breads, cooking and tea, etc. But do’nt use it to take bath.
By the grace of Allah (SWT), it can cure all fatal diseases which are incurable for doctors.

ایک کورا گھڑا یا پانی کی بوتل لے کر اس پر یہ عمل کریں۔۔۔

پہلے اپنے آپ پر سات دفعہ بِسمِ اللہ اور اکیس بار یا حَفِیظُ پڑھ کر دم کریں۔ پھر اکتالیس مرتبہ سُورۃ رَحمٰن اور اکتالیس مرتبہ ہی سُورۃ تَغَابُن پڑھ کر اس پانی پر دم کریں۔
نوٹ: ایک نشست میں کئی افراد مل کر بھی پڑھ سکتے ہیں اور ایک فرد کئی دن میں بھی پڑھ سکتا ہے۔ جتنا بھی پڑھیں پانی پر پھونک مار دیں۔ یہ پانی جتنا استعمال کرتے جائیں اور اتنا ہی مزید پانی ڈالتے جائیں۔یہ پانی اب زندگی بھر کے لئے کافی ہے۔
اگر ہو سکے تو روزانہ ایک مرتبہ سُورۃ رَحمٰن اور ایک مرتبہ سُورۃ تَغَابُن پڑھ کر اس پانی پر دم کرتے رہیں۔ اسی پانی کو پینے، آٹا گوندھنے، کھانا پکانے اور چائے وغیرہ کیلئے بھی استعمال کریں۔ اس سے نہانا نہیں ہے۔
اللہ کے فضل سے یہ پانی جادو، جنات، دل، کینسر، ہیپاٹئٹس اور فالج کے مریض، اندھا پن جیسے سب لاعلاج امراض، کیلئے لاجواب ہے اورمرض الموت کے سوا کوئی مرض بھی لاعلاج نہیں ہے۔


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Yusabbihu lillaahi maa fis samaawaati wa maa fil ardi lahul mulku wa lahul hamd, wa Huwa 'alaa kulli shai 'in Qadeer
  1. Huwal lazee khalaqakum faminkum kaafirunw wa min kum mu'min ; wallaahu bimaa ta'maloona Baseer
  2. Khalaqas samaawaati wal arda bilhaqqi wa sawwarakum fa ahsana suwarakum wa ilaihil maseer
  3. Ya'lamu maa fis samaawaati wal ardi wa ya'lamu maa tusirroona wa maa tu'linoon; wallaahu 'Aleemum bizaatis sudoor
  4. Alam yaatikum naba'ul lazeena kafaroo min qablu fazaaqoo wabaala amrihim wa lahum 'azaabun aleem
  5. Zaalika bi annahoo kaanat taateehim  Rusuluhum bilbaiyinaati faqaaloo a basharuny yahdoonanaa fakafaroo  wa tawallaw; wastaghnal laah; wallaahu ghaniyyun hameed
  6. Za'amal lazeena kafarooo al-lany yub'asoo; qul balaa wa rabbee latub'asunna summa latunabba'unna bimaa 'amiltum; wa zaalika 'alal laahi yaseer
  7. Fa-aaminoo billaahi wa rasoolihee wannooril lazeee anzalnaa; wallaahu bima ta'maloona khabeer
  8. Yawma yajma'ukum li yawmil jam'i zaalika yawmut taghaabun; wa many-yumim billaahi wa ya'mal saalihany yukaffir 'anhu sayyi aatihee wa yudkhilhu jannaatin tajree min tahtihal anhaaru khaalideena feehaaa abadaa; zaalikal fawzul 'azeem
  9. Wallazeena kafaroo wa kazzaboo bi aayaaatinaaa ulaaa'ika ashaabun naari khaalideena feehaa wa bi'sal maseer
  10. Maaa asaaba mim musee batin illaa bi-iznil laah; wa many yu'mim billaahi yahdi qalbah; wallaahu bikulli shai;in Aleem
  11. Wa atee'ul laaha wa atee'ur Rasool; fa in tawallaitum fa innamaa 'alaa Rasoolinal balaaghul mubeen
  12. Allaahu laaa ilaaha illaa Hoo; wa 'alal laahi falyata wakkalil mu'minoon
  13. Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanooo inna min azwaaji kum wa awlaadikum 'aduwwal lakum fahzaroohum; wa in ta'foo wa tasfahoo wa taghfiroo fa innal laaha ghafoorur Raheem
  14. Innamaa amwaalukum wa awlaadukum fitnah; wallaahu 'indahooo ajrun 'azeem
  15. Fattaqul laaha mastat'tum wasma'oo wa atee'oo waanfiqoo khairal li anfusikum; wa many-yooqa shuha nafsihee fa-ulaaa'ika humul muflihoon
  16. In tuqridul laaha qardan hasanany yudd'ifhu lakum wa yaghfir lakum; wallaahu Shakoorun Haleem
  17. 'Aalimul-Ghaibi wash-shahaadatil 'Azeezul Hakeem


1. Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah. to Him belongs dominion, and to Him belongs praise: and He has power over all things.

2. It is He Who has created you; and of you are some that are Unbelievers, and some that are Believers: and Allah sees well all that ye do.

3. He has created the heavens and the earth in just proportions, and has given you shape, and made your shapes beautiful: and to Him is the final Goal.

4. He knows what is in the heavens and on earth; and He knows what ye conceal and what ye reveal: yea, Allah knows well the (secrets) of (all) hearts.

5. Has not the story reached you, of those who rejected Faith aforetime? So they tasted the evil result of their conduct; and they had a grievous Penalty.

6. That was because there came to them apostles with Clear Signs, but they said: "Shall (mere) human beings direct us?" So they rejected (the Message) and turned away. But Allah can do without (them): and Allah is free of all needs, worthy of all praise.

7. The Unbelievers think that they will not be raised up (for Judgment). Say: "Yea, By my Lord, Ye shall surely be raised up: then shall ye be told (the truth) of all that ye did. And that is easy for Allah."

8. Believe, therefore, in Allah and His Messenger, and in the Light which we have sent down. And Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do.

9. The Day that He assembles you (all) for a Day of Assembly,- that will be a Day of mutual loss and gain (among you), and those who believe in Allah and work righteousness,- He will remove from them their ills, and He will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, to dwell therein for ever: that will be the Supreme Achievement.

10. But those who reject Faith and treat Our Signs as falsehoods, they will be Companions of the Fire, to dwell therein for aye: and evil is that Goal.

11. No kind of calamity can occur, except by the leave of Allah. and if any one believes in Allah, ((Allah)) guides his heart (aright): for Allah knows all things.

12. So obey Allah, and obey His Messenger. but if ye turn back, the duty of Our Messenger is but to proclaim (the Message) clearly and openly.

13. Allah. There is no god but He: and on Allah, therefore, let the Believers put their trust.

14. O ye who believe! Truly, among your wives and your children are (some that are) enemies to yourselves: so beware of them! But if ye forgive and overlook, and cover up (their faults), verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

15. Your riches and your children may be but a trial: but in the Presence of Allah, is the highest, Reward.

16. So fear Allah as much as ye can; listen and obey and spend in charity for the benefit of your own soul and those saved from the covetousness of their own souls,- they are the ones that achieve prosperity.

17. If ye loan to Allah, a beautiful loan, He will double it to your (credit), and He will grant you Forgiveness: for Allah is most Ready to appreciate (service), Most Forbearing,-

18. Knower of what is open, Exalted in Might, Full of Wisdom.


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